Atividades Educativas Grátis


Palavras Cruzadas: Grammar: Possessive Adjective e Pronouns Subect e Object.

Passatempo Educativo: Inglês.

Leia as perguntas com atenção e responda usando uma das palavras que está cruzada com outras duas.

1 - I lent your book.
A - your
B - us
C - them

2 - They are looking at their room.
A - she
B - their
C - my

3 - Mr. Smith likes his new job.
A - his
B - her
C - him


4 - I found my cookies.
A - our
B - your
C - my

5 - Mrs. Brown took her daughter to the hospital.
A - us
B - her
C - them

6 - Suely is my mother. She cooks very well
A - our
B - his
C - she

7 - I like him. He is a nice man.
A - him
B - their
C - my

8 - They helped us find the ring.
A - his
B - us
C - her


9 - We finished our homework.
A - their
B - your
C - our

10 - I bought popcorn for them.
A - she
B - them
C - him

Mais Passatempos:

Ao escrever a resposta deste Passatempo Educativo de Inglês irá aparecer uma placa indicando se houve acerto ou erro. Caso você cometa um erro basta apagar e escrever novamente até acertar todas as perguntas.

Perguntas Enviadas Por:
Nome: Elaine
Profissão: Professora
Local: Rondonópolis/Mt

1 - your
2 - their
3 - his
4 - my
5 - her
6 - she
7 - him
8 - us
9 - our
10 - them

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